Monday, 16 July 2012

July 2012 News

We are well into July now and like everyone else are still waiting for this wonderful summer that we were expecting this year. Apart from that everyone seems fairly content - there are a lot of new faces as quite a few co-workers have joined us over the summer before the volunteers for the new year start arriving in august and September.

There have been a few changes in the last weeks - the biggest one was that we have a wonderful extension to our farmyard with a a roofed space for storage. It was built by Ernst and Phil who come every year for a working holiday and build wonderful spaces. So far we have used the space for an art project that involved a large amount of people in the community and also for a Thank you BBQ for all our faithful volunteers and helpers. Unfortunately the day we held it was rather wet - but the roofed space was even more appreciated.

A group of us has been in Cork to play street music as part of the international song festival - and we were joined by a few people from other communities.Others are going to be heading off for the summer holidays - and some of the co-workers are still going to be leaving us in the coming few weeks.

The fox has been a regular visitor again - and sadly we have lost a few more ducks. There are only three left now - but they are still happily feasting on all the slugs in the garden. The garden looks fantastic at the moment - and we are producing an incredible amount of lettuce . Darren who recently joined us is rather concerned that he might be turning into a rabbit.