Tuesday, 9 October 2012

October 2012 News

It has been a busy few weeks in the Community lately as new co-workers have arrived and the ones that have been with us over the summer have left. Everyone is back from their holidays and slowly people are finding back into their routine and others are finding their place in the Community. It will hopefully not be too long before the workshops are all back in swing again and also the weavers are able to produce things for the market again. It was a good summer on the market this year and we sold many of our products.We are still waiting for a few volunteers to arrive in the coming weeks - and then all the different areas will be covered again.

Last weekend we had our Flag day in Dingle and I was pleasantly surprised to see so many people volunteering to help for a few hours - so I would like to thank you all. We did manage to raise a little more than € 2500 and are very happy with that. It will all go towards the building fund - and hopefully we will be able to give you an update about the building in the coming weeks.

I would especially this time like to thank all the students from the Transition year of the Pobal Scoil who helped last Friday with the Flag day. Your help was greatly appreciated.

It has been a busy weekend for everyone in Dingle - and also everyone here has been busy with tasting different kinds of food and experiencing the nice atmosphere in Dingle. We also were quite busy with the fundraiser that we had on over the weekend -many people came to guess the weight of the lamb that we had outside St.James - and it was a lot of fun to meet all the many people that came to see it and tried to get the weight right. I can now announce that the lamb weighed 47.860 kg, 105.076 lbs and 7stones 7.076lbs. The lamb was donated by Micheal O'Moran and it was won by Liam O'Brien from Killarney who was the closest with 47.820 kg. The second prize of a dinner in the Bulls Head went to Mary Hanafin in Beenbawn who won it with 47.730kg. Congratulations.I would like to thank all the people who helped with manning the stall - and everyone who so generously supported the event.We were able to raise €1185.

On Sunday Ciara and Aodhan O'Connor and Niamh and Niall Browne also were very busy with making and selling biscuits for us and managed to raise € 135 for us. Thank you very much to all four of you.All the money will go towards our building project which we are hoping to start very soon once all the last hurdles have been overcome.

Now we are all settling back into normality - the growth in the garden has come to an end but we are all enjoying the bountiful harvest of this last summer. Slowly the garden is being prepared for the winter - and on the farm things are coming along. A lot of work has been done on fencing and gates - and unfortunately the donkeys are spending a lot of time inside as it has been so wet lately.The weavers have started to produce a lot of things for the coming craft fairs as we have sold so many things on our stall on the market over the summer and hopefully the candle workshop will soon open its doors again.In the houses there has been quite some activity with making jams and chutneys and juices - and the herb workshop is still providing us with a range of products.