Monday, 22 May 2017

ROCKK - Ring Of Kerry Charity Cycle

We are looking for Volunteers to join us
For the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle 2017.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

News from Camphill Community Dingle

Christoph Jensen

... lambing, calving, sprouting, flowering ... nature has certainly come alive. And with Easter approaching we participate in this spectacular season. Every morning before work we enact a particular scene of Holy Week, starting with Palm Sunday and moving towards Good Friday and then on to the Easter morning. It is our way of becoming aware of the time and season of the year.

The garden is bursting with activity. As I am writing the potatoes are planted with all hands on deck and the vegetable seedlings that have been waiting in the trays are transplanted into the beds. Daisy, our older Jersey-cow, gave birth to twin-calves yesterday which means our modest cheese-production will start again. Deidre, our other cow, has been in milk since February.

On Sunday April 2nd a number of us packed into our minibus and a car to drive to Killarney to watch the Kerry-team giving us a good game of football. The outing was enjoyed by all. We are proud to be supporting Ireland’s top-team.

Tomorrow we will celebrate Samuel’s, Cornelia’s, Maurus’ and Selma’s farewell. Having served for so many years our little community, they are moving to Kilkenny. We are grateful for all they have contributed and in particular in having left their mark in setting up the new house Tearman an tSolais. As they will be involved in the Camphill communities in the Kilkenny area we will have regular contact with the Kudiabor-family.

For the immediate future our life promises to be full of events: Easter, Bealtaine, the Dingle Cycle Race ... and not to forget: the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle Race: 1000 participants have chosen us as their charity to support. Thank you ...  

We wish all our supporters and friends a Happy Easter festival ...

Sunrise at Easter-morning at Temple Geal Oratory
                                                           (picture: Christoph Jensen)